Written by Teresa Phelps Martin

On February 4, 2019

A fresh start..sounds good to me. So, first, thank you. If we are going to start anew – it is worth a pause and creating the space for clarity. This lets you focus on what you want to show up for this month, cycle, phase, season, this moment. This is the energy influencing my own intention for this new cycle: Pausing to cultivate clarity layered with focused action creates effective productivity that remains aligned with my heart. It feels good to have direction that still allows for spontaneity, fun, and authenticity.  

There is such an excitement for newness, the freshness, the possibility and the potential within and for all of us. Shoot the birds were even singing this morning. It can also be overwhelming and a bit daunting – if you aren’t anchored in your own clarity…connected to the truth of your heart.

This time a year ago life was happening fast – all good stuff, and there was a huge momentum to it. Things in my personal life were shifting at a rate that I was conscious of but not able to comprehend fully the impact it was going to have. It felt as if everything was coming together smoothly, with conscious effort, until it didn’t. When the ease got intense, it honestly felt like a major jolt to the system. You know, when your car shifts from 4th gear straight to 1st gear. That feeling when the transmission and engine rev up with intensity, the car jerks, and you wonder if you messed with the infrastructure. Then everything slows down drastically while the oil pressure light goes off and things don’t smell so great. Then before you know it your at the mechanic investing in realignment. Not the worst thing, just could have potentially been a little more prepared if you had been more present to the energy of the operator…

Been there before? Can you relate? The bumps and the hurdles have been doable but coming fast and sometimes just out of left field. Knowing that stuff surfaces in life, and we have this beautiful capacity to grow and attune to our deeper essence that is sacred (all of which sounds pretty and really is just uncomfortable) I decided to show up and dig deeper. Yep, invest in my own realignment.

My tool kit was strong, and I found that even my growth was bumpy and I was getting exhausted quickly. I took my first solo trip as a mom, joined a group of woman that are invested in living a more energetically aligned life, showed up to the energetic currents in the cosmos and created a lot of room to dig, honor and nourish at a whole new level. 

What happened, all kinds of evidence surfaced. Which it seems to do frequently when you listen to your heart and lean into the guidance of the highest. What comes forward and through is amazing especially if you are a bit patient. A little glimpse of the evidence…a potent year of growth, radical acceptance, grace-filled clarity,  and a renewed enthusiasm to be the light I am authentically aligned with and allowed to be. In terrestrial terms, a beautiful family, wonderful home, opportunity to be a mom with a side gig, and a strong connection to the abundance available to us all.

One of the ways the good fortune surfaced without playing the lottery or gambling on horses… with all the wild energy of last year I stayed with my intention which was to teach via the lunar cycles – every class honoring the phase of the moon and how that show’s up on the yoga mat and in our life. While it sounds a bit out there it actually is a very grounding practice as it continued to anchor my heart and give me direction when I would choose to see things differently – again and again. Full disclosure there were quite a few times where I just didn’t want to have to f’in choose again. But the moon’s cycle waxes and wanes, hangs out with the sun and sits in total opposition. Trying to keep it linear only made it worse. But the only way I could work with this fluctuation was it meant I also had to pay close attention to the emotional quality of my life as the moon reflects the cycle of our emotions. When you tune into the aspects of the sky you end up tuning into all the other amazing planets as well.

Teaching this way is something I learned early in my teaching journey, and if you know me from way back when you probably remember.  Deepening this intention of looking to the sky’s pattern, so much became potently ‘crystal’ clear. Studying the planets, welcoming the depth of the moon’s influence and aligning more of my work with this energy, specifically mom and guide on the side. Dang – let me tell you one more time (my sun sign is Gemini after all) – the clarity is soul satisfying.

In rekindling my study’s of the cosmic influence (celestial energy) in relationship to my life and those I engage with regularly – both on and off the mat so much made divine sense. The bumps came with more ease and I began to pick up on a lot of energetic patterns that were similar even when everyone’s experience of it was unique and individual. It also gave me permission to guide with more supporting, loving, commitment – starting with my self.

One more thing that happened is I remembered how renewable our energy is if we slow down and allow. I like to think of it as mindfulness embodied, where you actively focus on scheduling more time to renew then take charge. I also call it sacred self care. I had to eliminate what wasn’t on my top 5 priority list. (One reason I haven’t written in a while). I still showed up and presented classes on the power of building resilience, the importance of slowing down, being present and living from our center, and being able to ask for help – which I think is the biggest accomplishment. More on that later.

I continue to teach yoga classes based on the collective energy and witness powerful transformation for those showing up. I am watching my one on one clients experience amazing shifts. It’s the subtle ‘baby’ steps that create radical transformation. They are shifting are based on personal reflections of how to back off, reassess, release, restore and ultimately feel renewed, re-inspired and ready to rise up. So no one is stopping with the engagement of life, rather showing up to honor their sacred light and honor those around them.

Here’s the fresh start that comes with all this reflection. As I write we are entering a new cycle. A new moon, even the Chinese Lunar New Year, and the sun and moon sit together in the sign of Aquarius. Just real quick – I am not an astrologist – it’s just that the Sky is my Altar – always has been. 

Each planet represents a part of ourself – there is nothing to be afraid of – and each sign represents an aspect of our life. Looking to the sky is like checking the weather before heading out for the day – you get to decide how you want to engage with the forecast and are invited to live with greater harmony, coherence and authenticity. Besides we are star dust anyhow.

Looking to the stars we can tune into the energy that is operating within us. The cosmos always give you free will as you still get to choose how to engage. It’s almost as if they wink at you and whisper ‘you can be skillful or unskillful’. 

This Aquarius Lunar Cycle reminds us that our vitality sits in the company of an individualistic concept that’s interested in looking to the future and improving humanity.  Translation – the only way we can improve humanity is if we sit and improve the relationship within our own self. Reminder – I am a long time yoga teacher, graduate student of mental health and a transformational coach that is focused on Grace Filled Growth. Pause and remind yourself what you are showing up for and how it is influencing those you engage with on a day to day basis.

A new moon happens when it aligns with the sun in the cosmos. It’s as if they are one and that ball of fire is hanging out in the sign of Aquarius. The sun travels through each zodiac sign at the same time every year. Making it the perfect opportunity to recommit, renew, and return to what matters most to you. It’s an embodiment of the idea that in the dark night, you can welcome the light and be guided by the great love that sits deep within. Honoring the lunar cycle you gain clarity and know that there’s a bigger picture guiding you forward, a greater energy that is cheering you on, cheering us all on and calling humanity forward. The Aquarius energy reminds us to honor our own way and allow others the room to find their way as well.

With the winter solstice I created a year long intention to be a stronger guide in helping people come home to their hearts. To understand what it means to drop into their heart, the ways you can tune in and the energy it does take to pause, while also holding space for a direct experience in the powerful ways it enhances your overall appreciation for life. While I have being doing it on the mat and with my clients, I am finally here writing it out and sharing it with you. Being able to know how to tune in gives us an understanding in the way we can live in relationship with the highest version of ourselves, the way we can engage while we are on our yoga mat, the way we are in relationship with those we love and the ways we allow others to also find their way. The result – an opportunity to deeply enjoy the good fortune we all hold.

Thank you for allowing me the space to renew on a much deeper level. To gain clarity, focus and be a bit more efficient in this offering.

I am excited to begin this conversation again, to feel a clarity of my own focus that can potentially help you show up for the brilliance that you are as well. I will be articulating more on the influence of the stars, the power in shifting to a life that is cyclical (you already are living it FYI – we all are) and sharing more potent life skills that can support the authentic alignment within your own heart and reduce the commotion that can confiscate your joy. 

If you are interested in learning ways you can live from your heart’s light, ways to track the energy for yourself and tune into your inner landscape, embracing, engaging and enhancing your experience of life…comment bellow and let me know. We are all collectively being invited to gain even more clarity, more focus, and the great heart/light that shines for all of us.

From my heart to yours – XOXO

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  1. becca bush

    So happy to hear from you lovey! 💜 xxoo

  2. Carla Likens

    I really enjoy learning about the cycles of the Moon and aligning are intensions in response.

    • Teresa Phelps Martin

      Oh good! Hopefully you’ll get something from this next post I am getting ready to publish!


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